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Mastering Microsoft Project 2016


The course begins with the basic concepts and leads students through all the functions they’ll need to plan and manage a small to medium-size project, including how to level resources and capture both cost and schedule progress

Target Audience

This course is intended for both novice and experienced project managers, managers, schedulers, and other project stake holders who need to incorporate the discipline of project management with Microsoft Project 2016.

Courses Objectives

At course completions students will know how to: 

Understand the discipline of project management as it applies to using Microsoft Project 2016.

  • Create a Work Breakdown Structure.
  • Identify Task Types & Relationships.
  • Define Resources within Project.
  • Make Work Package Estimates.
  • Create an Initial Schedule.
  • Create a Resource Leveled Schedule.

Course Outline

  • Introduction to Microsoft Project
  • A Quick and Easy Overview of Managing with Project
  • Setting Up A Project
  • Manually Schedule Vs. Auto Schedule
  • Creating A Work Breakdown Structure.